Hello friends and family,
This week has already probably been the craziest week of my mission so far. Yesterday, we had to get up at 1 in the morning to catch a bus that took us to the airport. Our flight wasn't until 630 so we had to wait for quite a while at the airport. Then, we flew to Dallas and had a two hour layover there. Then, we flew to Portland and got there at about 3pm.
When we got to Portland we were picked up and headed over to the stake center where the transfer meeting was being held. On the way, we got to stop by the temple and go through the visitors center. We didn't get to go inside or anything but it was definitely nice to see. Then, we headed over to the stake center. We got to meet all the other new missionaries that had already been there since yesterday morning because they went to the Provo MTC. Elder White and I were the only ones that had gone to Mexico. Then, President Ballard put us with our trainers. My companion's name is Elder Keith. He has been out for almost ten months. He is really cool and I think we are going to get along pretty well.
I am going to be getting an ipad pretty soon which will be super cool. I just have to take an online class before I can get it. I will also be on facebook here pretty soon which I am excited for.
Anyways, it has been weird to be out in the open world and not be surrounded by other missionaries 24/7. It has been such a cool experience to be out in the field so far. The mission is starting to feel so real and I have already felt that we are doing the Lord's work out here in Portland. I know I haven't really done a whole lot since I only got here yesterday, but it has been a real blessing to get to know the people that I have already met so far. Have a good week everyone! I love you all and I will talk to you later!