Hello what is up?
Everything is going good! We taught Irlinda this week with a member
there. It was like my second member present ever. It was so cool and
it went so well. We taught about baptism and invited her to be
baptized. The only problem is that she wants to talk to our branch
president before she gets baptized. She was at church yesterday but
got scared and didn't talk to her. Ugh now we have to wait till next
The weather has been really crazy this past week. The rain just
doesn't stop. It's so crazy and annoying. Man your new calling does
seem like a lot to do. That is so weird that you have such a crazy
That video of dad was the best. Haha I showed it to a bunch of other
elders. Everyone was a busting out laughing haha. I also got to hold a
tarantula this week. I will send a video it was super scary but really
That is so weird that jay is home. I remember when he left and now he
is already home. Yeah I think there have been problems with the
servers so hopefully this will send or I am wasting my time. Today I
don't know what we are doing. We are doing laundry right now so I
don't know what we are doing later. Probably play basketball or
something. We didn't have any dinners this last week so I have like
two dollars left on my church car but we have dinners like all of this
week so I should be good. But love you I might send some more later
Elder Navarro