This week has been a pretty awesome week. On Friday, we set up this
awesome dinner date for Vanessa and Salvador. We put lights up in the
relief society room and made it look all nice. We made these awesome
steaks and potatoes too. It was so great. The best part is that
Salvador proposed to Vanessa. The only bad part is that he told her
not to answer and she could think about it. It was a little
frustrating, but they are awesome and we like them a lot. We went by
their apartment last night and told them we need an answer by this
Thursday or we can't keep visiting them. It's hard because we like
them and want to help them but there is not much we can do since they
are not married.
Anyways, we also had a trunk or treat the other night and it was so
fun! Our trunk was the best trunk in the whole ward. We had all these
scary decorations and the best part was that we bought dry ice, so
there was like smoke coming out of the back of our car. It was
amazing. We have another trunk or treat this week which should be just
as good.
I think I am really starting to gain a love for all the people here in
Portland. I really have the desire to help them. It is awesome. I just
want them all to find the joys of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is
something I wish I had before I left. I think back on all the people
from school and various other places that really could've benefited
from this gospel. I know how hard it can be to share the gospel with
friends, but I now know more fully the blessings that come from living
the gospel. Don't be afraid to share the things that make you happy
because I know that this gospel can help everyone. Thank you everyone
for your support and love! Have a great week this week! Adios!
Elder Navarro